Thursday, February 21, 2013

3 Reasons Why I Don't Drink Tea (and 3 Reasons Why I Do) - Home ...

Tea has become a daily part of my life, but it may, or may not, be for the reasons you are thinking. I have put together my 3 Reasons Why I Don?t Drink Tea ? and my 3 Reasons Why I Do.
3 Reasons Why I Don't Drink Tea

3 Reasons Why I Don?t Drink Tea:

#1. I don?t drink tea for nostalgic reasons.?I know that drinking tea is nostalgic for many people.?So many people drink tea because their grandmother did. Or because it?s part of their family history. Sometimes I wish I had those sweet stories in my life, but I just don?t. I didn?t grow up in a tea drinking family and while at some point my parents did start making ?sun tea? (iced tea?, I can?t say I ever saw a hot cup a tea in our home when I was a kid.

# 2. ?I don?t drink tea for the?caffeine.? While I?m not living?caffeine?free, and I?ve have had points in my life where I was living?caffeine?free (such as when I was trying to?conceive,?when I was pregnant, and when I was breastfeeding), that time is not now. I like my caffeine. I drink coffee every single morning and it?s full of caffeine. But, that?s not why I drink tea. I don?t drink tea to wake me up and I don?t drink tea to keep me going throughout the day.

#3. I don?t drink tea for the health benefits. I know that there is many wonderful?health benefits of tea?and that this is a main reason why many people drink tea daily. Every time I read learn new information on the powers of tea, I?m impressed and happy to know that it?s an added perk to my tea drinking. But tea health benefits don?t factor in for me as one of the reason why I drink tea.

Bigelow Constant Comment Tea

3 Reasons Why I Do Drink Tea:

Bigelow Plantation Mint Tea


#1. I drink tea because it?s a calming ritual. When I lost my Dad and two sisters within a year of each other, I was constantly searching for things to make myself feel better. I wanted ? and needed ? something that would be a calming distraction in my life and tea fit that purpose. My tea ritual consists of finishing dinner with my family and then I tidy up the kitchen. When I am finished with the kitchen, I heat my water, select my Bigelow tea bag, and prepare my nightly cup of tea. I?ve found this ritual to be incredibly comforting?probably because I know it leads to reason #2?

#2. I drink tea because it slows me down. I feel like I?m constantly going and busy is my middle name. When I drink tea, I do my best to focus on the tea and my thoughts. It slows me down and reminds me that I don?t always have to be ?busy?. It?s good to stop, it?s good to take a break and I will actually be better for it. ?Teas instantly gives me this ?slow down? feeling the second I feel the warmth of the cup in my hands.

#3.?I like the taste and the large variety of flavors.?Ever since my first cup of black tea, I have enjoyed the taste. And I like the taste of many herbal teas and others as well. Most of my grocery stores have a huge assortment of teas that I can never get tired of them (you can see my shopping trip for tea here). I do have my favorites though. I would say my absolute favorite right now Bigelow Peppermint Tea. But because there is so many varieties of Bigelow tea, I can keep trying new ones and I have continued to find even more that I like. Such as their ?Constant Comment? tea ? which is also in my top 5 favorite tea flavors. And, in the case of Bigelow Tea, the cost is about 10 cents per tea bag, making it a frugal way of treating myself each day.

Bigelow Peppermint Tea


Those are my tea thoughts ? now tell me:

Why do you drink tea?

3 Reasons Why I Don't Drink Tea (and 3 Reasons Why I Do)

Disclosure:?I am a member of the Collective Bias? Social Fabric? Community. ?This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias? #CBias #SocialFabric

About the Author: brandie (343 Posts)

Brandie Valenzuela is a food blogger and writer at Home Cooking Memories. She lives in Las Vegas, NV where she enjoys cooking, baking, modern-day recipe keeping and making everyday memories with her family. She is known to have an extremely normal obsession with cupcake liners, ribbons and office supplies.


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