Thursday, February 28, 2013

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    Physical Gold Shortage Possible in the Near Future, Reports Gold Price

    The financial crisis in the West has central banks buying up large amounts of gold to hedge against devaluing reserve currencies, a practice that could effect a shortage in the global gold supply, reports Gold Price.

    New York, NY (PRWEB) February 25, 2013

    In response to the economic stimulus programs employed by the world?s most powerful governments, central banks in many developing countries are transferring their holdings into gold, as the metal is considered a more tangible asset than reserve currencies that are being devalued in the ongoing currency war. According to reports from the World Gold Council, central bank buying accounted for 534.6 tons in 2012. Quite the shift from the previous trend of central banks selling 400 tons a year, accounting for over 900 tons in a 4,000 ton market. Among the new players in the central bank buying game were Latin American countries including Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela and Mexico. Russia, South Korea and the Philippines held their status of recent big buyers, and Iraq made an appearance onto the scene last year, buying 24.1 tons of gold.

    Arthur McGuire, Vice President of Gold Price, says, ?As the world?s most powerful central banks print money without restraint, up-and-coming central banks all over the world are starting to realize that they don?t want to hold money that is being devalued and set to see hyperinflation in the future. China and India have been buying vast amounts of gold for years, but now we?re seeing smaller countries jump on the bandwagon, and this shift could cause a shortage soon. We?re recommending that investors buy gold coins and bars now, while prices are low compared to what they could rise to if we end up seeing a significant shortage of physical gold supply.?

    Gold Price ( is a leading precious metals advisor with headquarters in New York, California, Texas, Utah, New Mexico and Puerto Rico. A direct gold and silver dealer as well, Gold Price specializes in purchasing, selling and trading physical gold and silver such as modern bullion bars and coins and certified rare coins. Investors can visit or call 1-800-767-1423 to receive a free award-winning gold starter?s kit.

    Arthur McGuire
    Gold Price
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    Resurrection of 3-billion-year-old antibiotic-resistance proteins

    Resurrection of 3-billion-year-old antibiotic-resistance proteins [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Feb-2013
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    Contact: Michael Bernstein
    American Chemical Society

    Scientists are reporting "laboratory resurrections" of several 2-3-billion-year-old proteins that are ancient ancestors of the enzymes that enable today's antibiotic-resistant bacteria to shrug off huge doses of penicillins, cephalosporins and other modern drugs. The achievement, reported in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, opens the door to a scientific "replay" of the evolution of antibiotic resistance with an eye to finding new ways to cope with the problem.

    Jose M. Sanchez-Ruiz, Eric A. Gaucher, Valeria A. Risso and colleagues explain that antibiotic resistance existed long before Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic in 1928. Genes that contain instructions for making the proteins responsible for antibiotic resistance have been found in 30,000-year-old permafrost sediment and other ancient sites. Their research focused on the so-called beta-lactamases, enzymes responsible for resistance to the family of antibiotics that includes penicillin, which scientists believe originated billions of years ago.

    They describe using laboratory and statistical techniques to reconstruct the sequences of beta-lactamase proteins dating to Precambrian times, 2-3 billion years ago. The team also synthesized the inferred ancestral enzymes and conducted studies on their stability, structure and function. "The availability of laboratory resurrections of Precambrian beta-lactamases opens up new possibilities in the study of the emergence of antibiotic resistance," the report states. "For instance, it should now be possible to perform laboratory replays of the molecular tape of lactamase evolution and use such replays to probe the molecular determinants of the efficiency of lactamases to adapt to different types of antibiotics." The authors also note that the extreme stability and catalytic features displayed by the 2-3-billion-year-old lactamases suggest that resurrected Precambrian proteins have utility for the biotechnology industry.


    The authors and co-authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, NASA Astrobiology Institute, FEDER Funds and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

    The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

    Resurrection of 3-billion-year-old antibiotic-resistance proteins [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Feb-2013
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    Contact: Michael Bernstein
    American Chemical Society

    Scientists are reporting "laboratory resurrections" of several 2-3-billion-year-old proteins that are ancient ancestors of the enzymes that enable today's antibiotic-resistant bacteria to shrug off huge doses of penicillins, cephalosporins and other modern drugs. The achievement, reported in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, opens the door to a scientific "replay" of the evolution of antibiotic resistance with an eye to finding new ways to cope with the problem.

    Jose M. Sanchez-Ruiz, Eric A. Gaucher, Valeria A. Risso and colleagues explain that antibiotic resistance existed long before Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic in 1928. Genes that contain instructions for making the proteins responsible for antibiotic resistance have been found in 30,000-year-old permafrost sediment and other ancient sites. Their research focused on the so-called beta-lactamases, enzymes responsible for resistance to the family of antibiotics that includes penicillin, which scientists believe originated billions of years ago.

    They describe using laboratory and statistical techniques to reconstruct the sequences of beta-lactamase proteins dating to Precambrian times, 2-3 billion years ago. The team also synthesized the inferred ancestral enzymes and conducted studies on their stability, structure and function. "The availability of laboratory resurrections of Precambrian beta-lactamases opens up new possibilities in the study of the emergence of antibiotic resistance," the report states. "For instance, it should now be possible to perform laboratory replays of the molecular tape of lactamase evolution and use such replays to probe the molecular determinants of the efficiency of lactamases to adapt to different types of antibiotics." The authors also note that the extreme stability and catalytic features displayed by the 2-3-billion-year-old lactamases suggest that resurrected Precambrian proteins have utility for the biotechnology industry.


    The authors and co-authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, NASA Astrobiology Institute, FEDER Funds and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

    The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

    To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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    Chinese Buyers Snapping Up U.s. Real Estate - House Price Crash ...

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    Chinese Buyers Snapping Up U.s. Real Estate Rate Topic: -----

    #1 User is online ? The Masked Tulip?

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    Posted Yesterday, 11:15 AM

    Same thing to happen here as the Pound tanks?

    The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed. Judge yourself by the intention of your actions and by the strength you faced the challenges that have stood in your way.

    The people closest to you have been trying to tell you that you have made a difference. That you did change things for the better. The Universe is vast and we are so small. There is really only one thing that we can ever truly control - whether we are good or evil.

    The political triumph of the American Right has been to advance relentlessly the economic interests of the country's richest people, while emphasising a swath of moral, social and foreign policy issues that motivate and certainly distract middle-class and poor voters.

    #2 User is online ? Mrs Bear?

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    Posted Yesterday, 11:28 AM

    View PostThe Masked Tulip, on 27 February 2013 - 11:15 AM, said:

    Isn't it happening already? Particularly shiny newbuild flats - I gather they're not much interested in older property unless it's prime or super-prime.

    #3 User is offline ? Bloo Loo?

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    Posted Yesterday, 11:35 AM

    estate agent says business is booming.

    with 10m houses for sale, I think the Yanks had better get borrowing and buying...just in case they miss the boat...course the chinese will be blissfully unaware that legal title to millions of US properties is blighted by the bankers MIRS fiasco.


    country is at risk
    if you
    do not keep up repayments
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    #4 User is offline ? Venger?

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    Posted Yesterday, 12:14 PM

    View PostMrs Bear, on 27 February 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:

    Isn't it happening already? Particularly shiny newbuild flats - I gather they're not much interested in older property unless it's prime or super-prime.

    It has already significantly happened, in the boom years, and desperate stimulus years.

    The more interesting question I think is whether the foreign owners who already own in UK, with the pound sliding a bit, the prospects going forward, together with fragile weak growth, will jolt more foreigners into putting their UK homes on the market.

    If so, more supply onto market, perhaps with more motivated sellers... and remaining foreign wealth not already committed facing stamp duty changes, with choice of investing in many other countries as well, including the USA. The resulting sentiment change were that to occur likely to be felt keenly.


    The Smith Institute estimated that 60% of homes in central London were bought by overseas investors in the first half of 2011. Figures from Jones Lang LaSalle suggested that only 19% of central London developments during an unspecified time period were bought by British people.

    This extends beyond the so-called prime postcodes, where stereotypes of Russian oligarchs come to mind. According to Jones Lang LaSalle, many of those buyers were snapping up one- and two-bed homes in new developments across London, often without even looking at the property, propping up the market where first-time buyers are priced out.

    Foreign buyers are one part of a bigger picture of under-occupation in London. The 2011 census revealed that there are an astonishing 229,803 second homes in London, many of which will be owned by British residents. Put very crudely, that is seven times the mayor's annual housebuilding target.

    #5 User is offline ? ToughEgg?

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    Posted Yesterday, 12:55 PM

    #6 User is offline ? Bruce Banner?

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    Posted Yesterday, 12:57 PM

    View PostThe Masked Tulip, on 27 February 2013 - 11:15 AM, said:

    Let's hope so. The less properties owned by "hard working families", when the music stops, the better.


    See Below:

    It looks to me like there is a massive coordinated attempt by the various VIs to engineer a spring bounce by press releases and trolling popular Internet forums such as this.

    Following the reported 1.9% monthly rise from a government controlled lender and the (expected) 0.5% rate cut, this forum seems to be targeted by bulls, many joining in the last few day to talk up the market.

    The general drift seems to be... 'Savings accounts are paying a pittance so get into property now and pick up a bargain'.

    I wonder if the various EA and lenders associations are emailing their members, suggesting that joining this forum to talk up the market would be a good idea.

    Note: The above was posted in late January 2009, the following is updated as and when required.

    #7 User is offline ? wherebee?

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    Posted Yesterday, 01:34 PM

    What amazes me in that in the US, UK, and Australia foreigners are allowed to buy property with very little difficulty. Try that in China or any country with a half decent idea of how the world works, and you will soon be given short shift.

    And yet the voters do not seem to care....

    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.....

    my predictions for H1 2012 were:
    UK Houseprices vary by +/-5% in GDP, but fall another 20% in currencies that hold their value, such as AUD, CHF !TICK!
    1 or more countries exit the Euro by end June 2012 !LOSE!
    Riots/civil unrest cause +10 deaths in european countries !TICK!
    gold reaches $2000 by end June 2012 !LOSE!

    predictions for H2 2012:
    UK national houseprice average down by -10% in GDP on YOY average !TICK!
    1+ more round of QE in UK, 1 more round of helicoptering in US !TICK!
    Obama win in US elections !TICK!
    gold reaches $2300 by end December 2012 !LOSE!

    predictions for H1 2013
    UK national houseprice average stays steady by +-3% in GBP
    1+ more round of QE in UK, 1+ more round of helicoptering in US !TICK!
    IPCC issues some statements that 'global warming' is in a hiatus period, but will come back, oh yes
    gold reaches $2000 by end June 2013

    #8 User is offline ? okaycuckoo?

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    Posted Yesterday, 04:33 PM

    Beware! There was a fuss in Canada a couple of weeks ago about EAs posing as Chinese buyers to big-up the Vancouver market.

    There was a TV expose etc. and the ultimate point is that domestic buyers drive the market, not outsiders.

    Reference to it from a Chinese news source here:

    They think everyone's stupid, but that's not really true.

    The bankers rubbed their palms together, and the economy went up in flames."If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have." Gerald Ford.

    #9 User is online ? SeeYouNextTuesday?

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    Posted Yesterday, 04:53 PM

    ?okaycuckoo, on 27 February 2013 - 04:33 PM, said:

    Beware! There was a fuss in Canada a couple of weeks ago about EAs posing as Chinese buyers to big-up the Vancouver market.

    There was a TV expose etc. and the ultimate point is that domestic buyers drive the market, not outsiders.

    Reference to it from a Chinese news source here:

    They think everyone's stupid, but that's not really true.


    View PostJustYield, on 30 September 2006 - 02:00 PM, said:

    View PostZanu Bob, on 21 September 2012 - 09:00 AM, said:

    love is getting a cup of tea with yer morning hand job everything else is noise.

    #10 User is offline ? Sledgehead?

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    Posted Yesterday, 06:28 PM

    Seen it all b4. Mum was looking to sell her childhood home in Bath in the early / mid nineties. Her brother kept holding out for the rich Hong Kongese flocking to the London market. When the ink had finally dried on the handover documents in 97 her brother capitulated - having ridden the bear right to the bottom with not one member of the former colony expressing even the slightest interest.

    Bubble Thinking & The Wisdom of the Property Bulls (click the pink arrow to see it in full!):

    QUOTE(BTLlondon @ Jun 13 2005)

    QUOTE(nodumsunreader @ Aug 10 2005, 03:48 PM)

    QUOTE(TheLittleGuy @ Aug 13 2005, 02:16 PM)

    #11 User is offline ? wherebee?

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    Posted Today, 12:32 AM

    View PostSledgehead, on 27 February 2013 - 06:28 PM, said:

    Seen it all b4. Mum was looking to sell her childhood home in Bath in the early / mid nineties. Her brother kept holding out for the rich Hong Kongese flocking to the London market. When the ink had finally dried on the handover documents in 97 her brother capitulated - having ridden the bear right to the bottom with not one member of the former colony expressing even the slightest interest.

    If it is all a myth, why is my postbox in Hong Kong full EVERY DAY with multiple flyers for London property? Why is the South China Morning Post printing large, half and full page adverts EVERY DAY for London property? Why have I seen dozens and dozens of small offshore companies owned by mainland Chinese owning property in Australia and the UK? Why, when I lived in Australia, of the 15 houses in my street, I knew of 4 that were owned by Chinese or Singaporeans (didn't know about the rest), of which two lived in and two were rented out.

    Some myth.

    This post has been edited by wherebee: Today, 12:32 AM

    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.....

    my predictions for H1 2012 were:
    UK Houseprices vary by +/-5% in GDP, but fall another 20% in currencies that hold their value, such as AUD, CHF !TICK!
    1 or more countries exit the Euro by end June 2012 !LOSE!
    Riots/civil unrest cause +10 deaths in european countries !TICK!
    gold reaches $2000 by end June 2012 !LOSE!

    predictions for H2 2012:
    UK national houseprice average down by -10% in GDP on YOY average !TICK!
    1+ more round of QE in UK, 1 more round of helicoptering in US !TICK!
    Obama win in US elections !TICK!
    gold reaches $2300 by end December 2012 !LOSE!

    predictions for H1 2013
    UK national houseprice average stays steady by +-3% in GBP
    1+ more round of QE in UK, 1+ more round of helicoptering in US !TICK!
    IPCC issues some statements that 'global warming' is in a hiatus period, but will come back, oh yes
    gold reaches $2000 by end June 2013

    #12 User is offline ? interestrateripoff?

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    Posted Today, 08:14 AM

    Will they get visa's to live there?

    #13 User is offline ? SHERWICK?

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    Posted Today, 08:19 AM

    ?Mrs Bear, on 27 February 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:

    I gather they're not much interested in older property unless it's prime or super-prime.


    The mighty neo liberal steam roller that crushed all before it from the 1980s to the beginning of the new millennium has morphed in recent years into a Charlie Carioli clown car that now can not go two yards without loud bangs, smoke pouring out of the engine and the doors dropping off. (by stormymonday_2011, posted amidst the Barclays Libor crisis on 02/07/2012)

    Polster: why did you vote labour?
    Labour voter: because I hate Margaret Thatcher
    Polster: how old were you when she left Downing st?
    Labour voter: 3
    (by Robo1968, posted 10/05/2010)

    From BBC HYS 15/05/2009:
    "Last year, my MP's second home claim was ?5,000 more than my total salary and now I find out that he's trying to charge me for cleaning his swimming pool!"

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      Kendra wanted to run from 'Wife Swap' switch

      Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

      Kendra Wilkinson is swapping lives with Kate Gosselin on the season premiere of "Celebrity Wife Swap."

      By Anna Chan, TODAY

      Reality personality Kendra Wilkinson had no idea what she was getting herself into when she learned via telephone she'd be participating in ABC's "Celebrity Wife Swap." It wasn't until she arrived at the other famous mama's home that she realized who she'd be swapping lives with for a week in the show's season premiere.

      "When I heard I was flying to Pennsylvania to swap with another celebrity mom, I had no idea who it was. I was like, 'Who is out here?!' " Kendra told The Clicker.

      Turns out it was mom of eight Kate Gosselin. When the former "Girls Next Door" star figured it out, she said her reaction was "definitely" to run -- but she couldn't. "I'm out in the country, hours away from the closest airport. I mean, there's no way I can just get up and go!" she said. "I'm like, 'What?!' I don't even know how to take care of myself. How am I going to take care of eight kids?!"

      Sure, raising eight kids is a gargantuan challenge, but for Kendra -- who has a nanny to help her with 4-year-old son Little Hank -- it wasn't quite as tough as she had expected, thanks to Kate's strict rules and schedule for her big brood.

      "Every minute of the day is dedicated to what Kate has gotten them to do. They're on a schedule," Kendra said. "It's like an alarm clock in their heads that's like, 'Oh, it's 5:31. I have to brush my teeth. 5:35, I have to go upstairs.' But they like it! They love it!"

      In fact, the Gosselin children like their routine so much, they weren't too pleased when it was Kendra's turn to apply her rules to the big household.?

      "When I came in and I did my rules, that's when I saw the most anxiety out of them," Kendra explained. "My rules are actually the opposite -- no rules! It was so, so intense because when you say to the kids, 'Guess what? No rules!' you would expect complete 'Yeah!' No. It was the opposite."

      And it sounds like things weren't totally peachy back at her own home either, where Kate was ruling the roost.

      "They got into some drama. They got into some fights," Kendra said of her husband, former NFL player Hank Baskett, and Kate. "I think she's very traditional: 'The man does this and the woman does this.' When she came to my home and figured out that man pretty does all the domestic stuff, she got thrown off. She's like, 'WHAT! Wait wait, what?!' "?

      "Kate, I don't think, really understood why someone like me deserves this kind of freedom and treatment," Kendra added of the life her doting husband gives her.

      But despite their clashing views on how to run a household, the two survived the experience, which included an "emotional" sitdown with each other at the end of the episode.

      "Through drama and through ... blood sweat and tears, we came out alive, and we'll never forget this journey, and we'll always be pen pals," she laughed. "My life -- other than the advice she gave me -- my life is pretty much still the same. Everything works. My life works for me, her life works for her."

      "Celebrity Wife Swap" kicks off with Kate and Kendra on Tuesday at 8 p.m. on ABC.

      Which celebrity wife would you like to swap lives with for a week? Tell us on our Facebook page!

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      Wednesday, February 27, 2013

      Sequestration will be a devastating blow to the nation's research institutions and scientists

      Sequestration will be a devastating blow to the nation's research institutions and scientists [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Feb-2013
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      Contact: Lawrence Green
      Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

      Bethesda, MD - The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is once again calling on Congress and the President to work together to prevent sequestration, the automatic across-the-board budget cuts that are scheduled to go into effect on March 1st. "These automatic spending cuts will stop science advances in their tracks and cost highly trained researchers their jobs," said FASEB President, Judith S. Bond, PhD.

      • A new analysis ( produced by FASEB calculated the impact of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) sequestration cuts on each state. Three states California, Massachusetts, and New York could lose more than $100 million each.
      • Researchers from FASEB member societies have sent nearly 20,000 emails to members of Congress urging them to prevent sequestration, and the Federation recently sent a letter ( to all of the new members of Congress urging them to sustain the federal investment in research.
      • On March 19, FASEB scientists from across the country will come to Capitol Hill to share personal stories about the impact of the sequestration cuts and how several years of flat funding for NIH has affected the research community.

      "FASEB has been a leading voice working around-the-clock to educate members of Congress about the damage sequestration will do to NIH and we will not back down now. The future of medical research depends on it," stated Dr. Bond.


      FASEB is composed of 26 societies with more than 100,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. Our mission is to advance health and welfare by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.

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      AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

      Sequestration will be a devastating blow to the nation's research institutions and scientists [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Feb-2013
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      Contact: Lawrence Green
      Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

      Bethesda, MD - The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is once again calling on Congress and the President to work together to prevent sequestration, the automatic across-the-board budget cuts that are scheduled to go into effect on March 1st. "These automatic spending cuts will stop science advances in their tracks and cost highly trained researchers their jobs," said FASEB President, Judith S. Bond, PhD.

      • A new analysis ( produced by FASEB calculated the impact of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) sequestration cuts on each state. Three states California, Massachusetts, and New York could lose more than $100 million each.
      • Researchers from FASEB member societies have sent nearly 20,000 emails to members of Congress urging them to prevent sequestration, and the Federation recently sent a letter ( to all of the new members of Congress urging them to sustain the federal investment in research.
      • On March 19, FASEB scientists from across the country will come to Capitol Hill to share personal stories about the impact of the sequestration cuts and how several years of flat funding for NIH has affected the research community.

      "FASEB has been a leading voice working around-the-clock to educate members of Congress about the damage sequestration will do to NIH and we will not back down now. The future of medical research depends on it," stated Dr. Bond.


      FASEB is composed of 26 societies with more than 100,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. Our mission is to advance health and welfare by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.

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      AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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