Friday, September 23, 2011

Health and Fitness ? 5 Tips For Hemorrhoids Treatment ? Health ...

People who have hemorrhoids know how painful it feels. Hemorrhoids involve swelling of the veins around the rectal area. The swelling becomes an obstruction, resulting in pain when passing stools. Individuals suffering from the condition can choose from a variety of treatments available. The following are five hemorrhoids treatment tips and options. Consult a doctor before availing any treatment.

Most cases of hemorrhoids can be remedied with a few simple changes to a person?s diet. Reduce the chances of hemorrhoids by eating fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Remember to exercise and drink lots of water to keep toxins out.

One simple hemorrhoid treatment is to practice healthy bowel habits. Avoid holding it in. If there is an urge to go the bathroom, go as soon as possible. Avoid straining and allow the stools to pass as naturally as possible.

Application of ice around the swollen area can help in relieving some of the pain. Do this for 10 minutes. Apply a warm compress for another 10 minutes. Repeat as necessary. Sitting on a bowl of warm water can also work.

Individuals can take over-the-counter pain relievers to help reduce the swelling. Creams and suppositories are also readily available from pharmacies and health stores. Check with a doctor regarding the dosage and to ensure that it does not have any adverse effects on the individual.

Medical options for hemorrhoids treatment vary depending on the severity of the condition. Nonsurgical options for hemorrhoids relief include rubber band ligation and coagulation of the swollen veins. With ligation, a rubber band is tightly tied around the base of the hemorrhoid. This cuts off the blood circulation around the hemorrhoid. Expect the growth to shrink and fall off within the week. With coagulation, infrared light, electricity or lasers is directed towards the swelling. This creates a scar and cuts the blood flow to the growth, allowing it to shrink and die naturally. Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is also possible for more extreme cases. However, this treatment option is expensive, painful and comes with a variety of complications. Opting for surgery should be a last resort.

There are several types of hemorrhoids treatment available on the market. Before settling on any particular type of treatment, individuals are advised to do the research and seek a doctor?s approval. Doctors specialize with different types of treatments. Talk to several doctors to see which option is the best for the situation.

Do you want to find a reliable way to solve hemorrhoids? Visit our website to learn more about?Venapro?which can help you to do that quickly. You will also find out legitimate?places to buy Venapro


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