Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Solve Relationship Problems And Find Love And Happiness:Dying ...

Solve Relationship Problems And Find Love And Happiness:Dying Shows You HowIf youve ever wished you could find a secret formula that would turn problematic relationships into success stories (while making your partner and other people feel you are wonderful and irresistible) then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

Heres what its all about: My name is Richard Hamon. Im a professional therapist and coach with 30 years of experience helping people solve their relationship problems.

Yet something incredible happened to me in December of 2003, which forever changed my view of relationships. I suffered a terrifying Near Death Experience (NDE) in which my body stopped living for several minutes. No one knows how I managed to make it. Some called it a medical miracle. Others said I had an angel sitting on my shoulder.

My brush with death instantly changed my life forever. In a few short days (after coming back from the other side) I began listening to the incredible voice of wisdom that flowed through me.

My relationships started to change while I lay strapped to my bed in the Intensive Care Unit? before I could hardly move? you should have seen the look on the faces of my family and friends when they saw the change in me. As the days went by, I began to use the special techniques that were being imparted to me.

Thats easy to answer. Ill tell you what happened? I died, and when I came back to the land of the living I SAW THE TRUTH ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS ? a beautiful, exciting truth few ever see.

But it?s not magical at all. You see, anyone can do what I learned to do ? it?s been buried inside you all your life. You just need to shake it loose. And you can if you learn the ultimate relationship secret?

Here?s what happened? When I died in December of 2003 I wasn?t out for more than a few minutes, but that was just enough time for me to see a light I?d never seen.

In some ways, what I had was a classic Near Death Experience (NDE), and I saw something different? something that can help you immensely.

I don?t know how it happened, but I was given a second chance? a second chance to get my life right.

And all I wanted was to make ALL my relationships right! I could bear to leave NONE behind because I suddenly realized relationships were far more important than I?d ever imagined!

You see, through that amazing whirlwind NDE I discovered the SECRETS to incredible relationships? secrets that have changed my life forever.

PLUS, I?ve been using the Ultimate Relationship Solution with my clients ? adults, children and families ? and it?s been changing their lives and working for them better than any of the tried and true therapeutic techniques I had used in my many years of experience as a therapist!

Although I had been a professional helper all my career, it wasn?t until I died and endured this extremely painful but illuminating experience that I understood the root of success in relationships.

You could say I saw it on the other side, and when I survived and returned to my life? I couldn?t believe what was happening? I couldn?t believe I was alive? my life was permanently transformed!

Even while I remained tethered to a hospital bed with a hefty breathing tube stuffed down my throat and a butterfly IV stuck in my neck, and my nearly lifeless body was hooked up to a dozen beeping, flashing machines, I was filled with joy? because I saw and felt the incredible truth burning inside.

My near death experience (and the ultimate relationship solution which it gave me) helped me to accomplish all of those tasks? and it didn?t take me long to start sharing my newfound truth with my clients?

Encouraged by their success, I began to talk to everyone about this new way of living? and I saw how one person after another was able to get results with this innovative system ? results which often enabled them to lock into a kind of success they had never experienced in their relationships.

"What we need is a miracle!" they said. "Okay, I?ll give you mine," I told them. I dared them to put the ultimate relationship solution into action, and when they did something wonderful happened. A little ray of light? a smidgen of progress emerged from the dark corner of their busy, chaotic lives? and before long, the kids were behaving and the adults were finding time for their happy relationship.

Depressed and worried about the grim future, she had withdrawn from most of her relationships and was on the verge of isolating herself into oblivion.

I shared the secrets of the ultimate relationship solution with her. She was intrigued by the elements I had added to the Golden Rule, and decided to try the strategies with her mother. She had been at odds with her mother for many years.

What happened surprised us both. Her mother accepted her with open arms and before long they were having the best relationship ever. My client applied what she had learned to other relationships, and her social life exploded with satisfaction and pleasure.

I told them about my story? and about how I saw the light that had allowed me to make big changes in and transform my life.

I revealed one secret after another? they went away shaking their heads. About three weeks later I received a call. It was the father. He told me he was enjoying the best darn relationship he had ever had with his son!

As I began to talk to her about my life-changing experience, which led to the ultimate relationship solution, she began to see that if relationships had harmed her in the past, new relationships could heal her in the future.

She got to work revamping and improving several relationships? Read?more?

Source: http://hotreviews.com/solve-relationship-problems-and-find-love-and-happinessdying-shows-you-how/

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