Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pop Culture Happy Hour: Our Super-Sunny Summer Spectacular

two splashing glasses

This week on our round-table pop-culture podcast: It's getting to be summer, and even though we don't get the whole season off anymore the way we did when we were kids, we can't help a bit of giddy anticipation. (Well, one of us can. Regular listeners can probably guess who.)

With that in mind, we take on a few basic summer questions. First, what's on your summer reading list? Is it the series you've just discovered of which you hope to read more? Is it that buzzed-about memoir, that drooled-over novel, or if you're Stephen, will it be the second crowdsourced book you've read in this year (and good for you!)? We talk about whether we believe in beach reads ? not to mention the beach itself ? and how we really plan to spend our summer vacation.

This brings us to our second question: How do you know it's summer in the first place? Part pop culture but part just culture, we briefly consider the signals that tell our internal clocks that yes, the seasons have changed, and yes, it is summer. This allows us to explore the very idea of seasonality, and whether 'tis better to enjoy your seasonal joys all year round, or whether 'tis better to save them for just the right time of year.

Finally, as all good people must do from time to time, we share our summer music choices ? not some obvious collection of surf tunes and such, but a truly eclectic selection of things we love in the hot weather.

Of course, What's Making Us Happy This Week is the backbone of every episode, so this is no exception: from a nifty new-ish Criterion Collection release to Stephen's exhaustive list of everything happy that has ever happened to him in his entire life (somebody needs to slow that guy's roll), we're on it.

A special note: Because two of us will be out of town next week, we're taking the week off, but we'll see you back here in two weeks. You can spend the next week telling me that I don't quite know what "diurnal" means, because as almost always happens when I point out that I know a word, you'll learn that I don't actually. This is not my friend's dad's fault. But we left it in, because I embrace my mistakes, people. (As does Stephen, who admits a big one this week.)

Enjoyed the show? Follow us on Twitter! Follow me, Stephen, Glen, Trey and Mike. And for discussions galore and frequent drop-ins from us in which we attempt to justify our positions and/or apologize for our grievous errors, join us on Facebook.


And now, links to some of the many, many things we crammed into the show this week. (SPOILER ALERT!)

Glen's nostalgia summertime ad of terror

Glen's least favorite lawyer-show trailer

Make a suggestion to Stephen

The ESPN oral history excerpt

Sarah Wendell's book

The truly amazing Aziz Ansari boombox video (title not safe for work)

Julianna Barwick at NPR Music

Ed Emberley


off the map versus boa joan jett josh hamilton artemis sidney harman

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