Wednesday, August 21, 2013

10 Uses for Mostly Useless Chemical Elements

As the name would suggest, the transuranics are those elements with atomic numbers higher than that of uranium, and are typically synthesized in a lab. While neptunium through curium have their places, mostly in nuclear power, berkelium starts a sea of relative uselessness. The elements beginning with einsteinium and going up, in fact, have never been spotted in nature. Most have half-lives of a minute or even fractions of a second, which factors into their not-so-abundant nature.

Uses: Physicists believe that there may be an "island of stability" above these elements with comparatively prolonged half-lives. You know, if we could manage to make the darn things. To that end, creating and studying the transuranics in the lab is a step toward one day perhaps finding even heavier elements.


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