Monday, June 27, 2011

What is the Art of Allowing with the Law of Attraction? | Self ...

If you?re trying to manifest great things with the Law of Attraction, you?ll need to learn the ?art of allowing? to make the process easier. What is the art of allowing? Being in a state of ?allowing? means being open to receive your heart?s desires. That may sound a little vague because you probably think you?re already open to receive them ? you want them, you?re trying to manifest them, you?re eager to receive them, but why haven?t they shown up?

What is the art of allowing? A state of ?allowing? is a state of alignment with the essence of the things you?ve been trying to attract into your life. Maybe you?ve been trying to attract more money, or the love of your life, or a new job, or better health. You spend time each day visualizing these things; you have photos of them stuck on your ?vision board,? and you firmly believe you?ll have them one day. All good starts to manifest them, but you shouldn?t stop there!

Now you need to practice the art of allowing by moving your thoughts and feelings into a state where you already HAVE the things you?re trying to attract. You may think you can?t do that until you actually do have them, but that?s not true. If you close your eyes right now, you can deliberately practice feeling as if you already have all the money, love, success, and happiness you desire. If you haven?t been doing that, chances are you?ve been telling the universe over and over that you don?t have these things, and the universe just keeps manifesting more situations where you don?t have them.

Turning this around is as easy as communicating a strong message of abundance to the universe. Start broadcasting the energy signal that you already have a lot of money, a great partner, a booming business, excellent health, and more.

How do you communicate these things? With your feelings. When you feel abundant, abundance starts flowing to you. When you feel loved, love starts flowing to you. When you feel healthy and strong, good health and strength start flowing to you. When you come into alignment by shifting how you feel, the things you are now aligned with can flow easily to you. You are practicing the art of allowing. When you are out of alignment, you are in a state of resistance and nothing good can come to you.

The art of allowing with the Law of Attraction is all about changing your thoughts and feelings so they closely match how you will FEEL when you have the things you want. How will you feel when you have plenty of money? How will you feel when you are involved in a loving relationship with that someone special? How will you feel when your body is strong and vibrant?

Practice feeling that way as often as you can right NOW! Key word: PRACTICE. You can?t leap directly from where you are to where you want to be and have everything change instantly. But it certainly doesn?t have to take a long time either! If you spend just a few minutes each day practicing the feeling of being more abundant, being in a loving relationship, and so on, within a few short days you would start to feel a difference, and soon after you would definitely start seeing a difference in your outer life. The art of allowing is a powerful technique and it works very fast.

The art of allowing is one of the most fun, rewarding, and powerful skills you can learn! If you need more detailed help learning about the art of allowing, visit


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