Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Little Men in My Library ? Blog Archive ? Baby Shower ? Finally Done

The party is over and it was a great success.

(I?ve even had requests to host more baby showers.)

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Lots of the guests hadn?t been to a baby shower before and were most amused by the games:

- examining melted chocolate in nappies/diapers to determine what sort it was

- taste testing baby food

- baby trivia

- preggo lotto

Enough to keep them happily engaged for 3 hours (and me preparing for weeks).

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My owl family has been safely re-homed at my sister?s home.?? They perched on bookshelves, benches and even the letter box.

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Wherever you turned, you met an owl.

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Owls featured on everything ? the baby favours I made,

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the prizes for the games,

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and the decorations.

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All inspired by the nursery theme of course.

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?Junior?, as I have affectionately named my niece or nephew, was not ?showered? as much as thoroughly ?soaked? with gifts.

And Aunty Tracey, after such a successful baby shower, has shot to the head of the baby cuddling queue?the real reason for all that effort.? :)

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P.S.? Note to self (and others who don?t give a thought to such details)?keep balloons on very long strings away from moving ceiling fans.

Thankfully it didn?t happen during the party but later, back at Grandma and Grandad?s.? Forty minutes of unscrewing the fan, cutting and unwrapping the string, all the while trying not to destroy the balloons to appease the horrified children.

Whose idea was balloons?!!!

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Source: http://homeschoolblogger.com/littlemen/2013/01/baby-shower-finally-done/

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