Monday, September 24, 2012

Simple Ways to Save on Your Crafting Supplies | Craft Blog

a Guest Post by Laura M

Getting crafty is one of the best ways to have fun, no matter how old you are. Whether you like to get stuck into crafts alone, or use it as a fun family activity, it is an excellent and therapeutic way to enjoy yourself. As anyone who enjoys crafting knows, the costs of making little creations can soon add up. By taking the right approach to craft shopping, you can save money and enjoy your favorite activity at the same time.

Going wholesale

One of the main reasons crafting costs so much is traditional craft stores increase their prices for profit. The best way to get around this is to look for wholesalers in your area, and buy in bulk. You will end up with more supplies than you need initially, but in the long term this can significantly save money on crafts. Some wholesalers only operate from stores, but an increasing number are beginning to allow people to buy online. If there isn?t a local wholesaler in your area, turn to the Internet instead.

Using Coupons

Thanks to the online coupon industry, it is easier than ever to find craft coupon codes to use online, or find printable coupons and use them in your local stores. Taking this approach can help you save as much as 40% on usual crafting costs, and it is a great solution for those who do not want to visit wholesale stores to buy their supplies. Look out for coupons periodically and save them if you are not ready to increase your supplies just yet.

Getting thrifty with where you spend

By heading for eBay and charity shops, you can purchase craft supplies that are significantly cheaper than those bought from chain stores. Many people resell or donate supplies that they have been given as gifts, and as such sellers are prepared to accept a fraction of the retail price, you will find it easier to spend less. Ebay is also a great place to buy supplies at near-to wholesale prices, as sellers do not have to cover overheads like staff and utilities and can therefore sell on cheaper. Ebay is a particularly great source of needlework supplies, particularly if you are willing to purchase from an international supplier.

Gathering crafts from around the home

The crafts you use in your creations do not have to come directly from stores. If you are making seasonal crafts, you can gather nature related items like leaves and acorns. Alternatively, you can use old clothes, buttons, and trash items like cereal boxes and plastic bottles. The items you use can soon be jazzed up with paints, glitter and glue.

Get involved in a craft swap

If there are other people at your local church or your child?s school who like to use crafts, arrange to hold a craft swap meeting. Anyone who likes to create things will accumulate residual supplies that they no longer want or need at some point. By taking them along to a craft swap, you can exchange them for items that you want. If there isn?t an existing swap in your local area, you can always organize one yourself.

Getting the most out of your craft habit on a budget is possible. By knowing where to shop and varying your approach, you can indulge in your favorite activity and save money at the same time.

Laura M is a British student and mother who loves crafting. She chooses a range of stores and solutions for purchasing her supplies, saving money as a result.

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