Thursday, August 23, 2012

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Theft can carry serious consequences,Cheap Rolex Watches, for both your professional and social interactions.
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To learn more about theft, please visit the website of the experienced Orlando criminal attorneys at the Umansky Law Firm.

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Author: Sara Goldstein Article Tools: Theft can carry serious consequences,Cheap Watches, for both your professional and social interactions. In addition to the criminal punishments for your conviction, you may face the judgment of family, friends and coworkers. Certain theft crimes can severely tarnish your professional reputation, especially if the theft charge is related to your career.

The majority of criminal attorneys routinely handle theft cases. How your case is resolved will depend greatly on the details of your case. Some cases may have the potential for very severe consequences, such as theft involving expensive, high-value goods. A criminal attorney will investigate the details of your theft charge to determine the best legal resolution for you.

What Constitutes Theft?
Theft occurs when you take something of value from somebody else without intending to return it. Criminal theft charges can stem from a variety of different crimes, including:
? Shoplifting
? Identity theft
? Burglary
? Vehicle theft
? Bank fraud
? Embezzlement

Theft crimes are usually divided by the value of the goods stolen. For example, a petty theft misdemeanor usually stems from stealing goods valued under $300, while goods worth more than that result in a grand theft felony charge.

Theft crimes are not always perpetrated by career criminals. Everyday people and professionals can quickly get caught up in instances of stealing. In these situations, you may feel compelled to move past this criminal charge as quickly as possible. In the face of scrutiny from people you know, finding the best possible way to resolve your case is important.

Consequences for Theft
If you are convicted of theft, you may face a number of consequences, which may include:
? Fines
? Jail time
? Probation
? Loss of employment
? Loss of future employment opportunities
? Damage to your professional reputation

Punishments vary by state. There is a wide range of consequences for theft because goods of all different values can be stolen. For theft involving relatively low-value goods, a criminal defense attorney may be able to find opportunities resulting in dropped charges, such as community service or certain educational programs. For theft involving higher value items, an attorney may be able to pursue reduced charges and sentencing in your case. The only way to determine the best solution for you is to talk to an experienced criminal attorney.
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