Friday, August 12, 2011

Male Health : Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioners ...

One amongst the most commonly asked questions I receive is "When can I add positive statements throughout an EFT session?" Whether the person asking is an EFT Practitioner or someone using Emotional Freedom Technique for their own use, it's clear that people get pleasure from and need to state and use positive statements when using EFT.
We have a tendency to all grasp EFT works on the negative. Specifically throughout EFT we should:
1. Acknowledge the difficulty/habit/challenge/condition
2. Verbally and mentally commit it to memory while tapping and thus 'tune into' the emotional disturbance or charge
3. Do EFT until the difficulty/habit/challenge/condition is neutralized
Then if EFT works on the negative and, when properly done, addresses and eliminates the condition or challenge... why even introduce the positive? Is there even a profit to try and do therefore if 'the traditional means' is therefore effective?
I think, a lot of than ever, folks still naturally want to say and state the positive while doing EFT. And there is tremendous profit in doing so.
Here are three main reasons why folks have the will to mention the positive (I call them "Empowerment Statements") and why it is so beneficial.
1. Folks Are Fed Up With Being Negative
Have you ever listened in on individuals's conversations? In most dialogues, people are talking about what they do not want, what they don't like and what they deem as unsatisfying or wrong in their life and in the world. It's a learned habit to talk regarding the negative and undesirable.
But it's not just the speak between girlfriends enjoying their lattes at a street caf?. Many of my past patients, current purchasers and friends that have gone to traditional talk therapy have told me over the years, "I'm sick of talking concerning my problems/the past/ my mother, etc." "I feel tired once hearing or talking about the problems I still have" "I am thus bored with beating pillows!" (Whether or not they are talking about actual or pre-verbal pillows!)
Those eager to evolve into a brand new awareness and the next level of consciousness are ready to think, speak and be more positive and self-empowered. Additional and additional folks wish to move into an empowered state instead of live from a victimized, helpless state. And we have a tendency to all apprehend for this to happen, our very language must change to facilitate this shift from the negative and dis-empowered to positive, empowered speech.
2. The Secret is Out: Positive is In
Over the previous few decades lecturers such as Abraham-Hicks, Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra teach how crucial it's to alter the way we tend to think if we have a tendency to wish to attract and produce what we have a tendency to want in our lives.
"If you change the way you study things, the things you observe change." - Wayne Dyer
In fact, this is often not ground breaking news! Luminaries, saints and sages from all cultures and spiritualities have beckoned us to heed our thoughts and words. These seers have known that thoughts produce a feeling, a sense creates a vibration which vibration (whether negative or positive) is being saw by the world around us and come back to us in like kind.
In the recent movie The Secret, speakers were gathered from around the globe to attest to the present phenomenon. Mike Dooley, author of Infinite Prospects, was one who was interviewed within the movie. I assume Dooley best summed up the essence of this powerful message by his statement, "Thoughts produce things. Opt for the good ones."
Thus, it's cool to be positive. Truth be told, it forever has been. Not only that, it's incredibly powerful. And more folks are catching on to the realization they are co-creators in their world. And to be a deliberate co-creator of what we tend to want in our lives implies that who we have a tendency to are, what we tend to do and what we tend to say are all in alignment.
3. Feeling Sensible is Powerful!
Several practitioners will report that shoppers will tell them throughout EFT sessions:
"Will you repeat what you said?"
"Wow! That was powerful to hear you say ________"
"That felt REALLY smart to say ____________"
They are typically commenting specifically on the impact of positive statements.
Phrases like 'I am deciding' 'I provide myself permission' 'I'm ready to let this go' 'I'm selecting to' 'I'm allowing myself to,' feel sensible to the speaker. It's as if a significant fog is lifting and we are saying with our clients, "Look, the clouds are breaking in the sky! Here comes the sun!" The person feels hope, optimism and a sense of possibility.
And feelings drive our behavior and positive feelings can be the catalyst for great change in any area that we have a tendency to are seeking to improve.
No marvel folks love saying the positive in EFT and the way crucial it is to incorporate Empowerment Statements in EFT sessions!
Jessica April been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in emotional freedom technique ,you can also check out her latest website about: Polaroid Cameras Which reviews and lists the best


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