Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Parents Got Divorced; Is My Marriage Doomed? | World of ...

Is My Marriage Doomed if My Parents Got Divorced When I Was a Kid?This guest article from YourTango was written by Leslie Doares.

The divorce statistics have fluctuated some but basically, they haven?t moved much in years. The rate of divorce for first marriages is close to 50%; for second marriages, it is close to 66%.

So it probably doesn?t come as a surprise that you or someone you know has had experience with divorce.

In my family, the divorce tally is: my parents, two aunts, an uncle, a sister (twice, and a stepbrother. My parents both remarried to spouses who were also divorced. All told, total divorces: 9. Total number of children impacted: 16.

The National Opinion Research Council conducted a survey of adult children of divorce that spanned more than 20 years. Here?s what they found: In 1973, adult children of divorce were 172% more likely to get divorced than adult children from intact homes. In 1999, adult children of divorce were only 50% more likely to get divorced than adult children from intact homes ? which sounds like good news.

However, the bad news is that the survey also found a 26% lower rate of marrying in the first place among adult children of divorced parents.

So, does this mean that if your parents divorced, you either will never marry or, if you do, it will fail? Not at all. I have been married for 26 years. My other sister just celebrated her 28th anniversary. Several of the second marriages in my family lasted until the death of one partner ? often over 30 years.

The reality is that your parents? divorce will have an impact on your marriage. We first learn about love and marriage from our parents. We learn what it means to be a man, woman, husband, wife, mother and father from them. We learn about trust. We learn how to handle conflict and difficult times ? or, not.

Children of divorce often experience expectations of failure, fear of loss or abandonment and fear of conflict throughout their lives. These anxieties are reflected in their romantic relationships by poor partner or behavior choices, giving up too quickly when problems arise or avoidance of any perceived level of commitment.

If you are an adult child of divorce, there are two common responses you might have to marriage:

  1. You may decide not to get married. However, not getting married doesn?t mean you won?t be in relationships; it just means you withhold yourself from truly being in the relationship fully.

    You go through the motions, maybe even have children, but you are walled off from real connection. When the relationship ends, as it surely must given your distance, you will still feel pain and grief.? You will also get confirmation of your self-fulfilling prophecy that relationships don?t last.

  2. You may make a solemn vow to never get divorced. Few people marry with divorce in mind. The lifelong commitment to marriage is intentionally made by both parties. But for some children of divorce, this commitment may be kept at a high cost to themselves.

    The risk of putting up with unacceptable behavior from your partner to avoid the pain of another divorce is real. This involves making concessions that are not in your best interest? By this, I mean agreeing to things you don?t really agree to in order to avoid conflict or the marriage ending. Over time, these concessions wear you down. You may indeed avoid the dreaded divorce, but the marriage may be just as painful.

Putting yourself into either of these extreme relationship categories will ultimately be problematic. The secret to not repeating your parents? fate is to learn about relationships in general, and what happened in your parents? marriage specifically. Issues of trust, honesty, respect and productive communication are critical in both cases.

Your experiences with marriage and divorce have probably left you with some fears and anxieties in these important areas. Gaining an understanding of how you?ve been impacted, and the resulting reactivity you?ve developed, will help you devise better strategies for relationship success. Embracing your relationship challenges and learning to manage your reactivity are crucial to implementing those strategies.

Having this knowledge will also help in the most critical relationship decision of all?choosing an appropriate partner. When you know your own vulnerabilities, you can protect yourself from them being used against you.

I still carry the scars from the breakup of my parents? marriage? Even after 26 years, my greatest fear is my husband coming down the stairs and announcing he?s leaving. I?m still afraid he will abandon me when I fail to meet his expectations. Luckily, I have been able to share this with him and he has never threatened divorce, even when he?s been most upset. Of course, he will never throw a surprise party for me again either, but that?s a story for another day.

More divorce advice from YourTango Experts:

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????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 9 Nov 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.

APA Reference
Experts, Y. (2012). Is My Marriage Doomed if My Parents Got Divorced When I Was a Kid?. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 11, 2012, from



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Egypt Muslim Sisters rise with conservative vision

CAIRO (AP) ? The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt has brought with it a new group of female politicians who say they are determined to bring more women into leadership roles ? and at the same time want to consecrate a deeply conservative Islamic vision for women in Egypt.

Women's rights have sprung to the forefront of the debate in Egypt as members of an Islamist-dominated assembly wrestle over the writing of a new constitution for the country. The power of Islamists, who dominated parliament elections last winter and who seized the presidency with the election this year of the Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi, has worried secular and liberal Egyptians who fear they will restrict rights of women and minorities.

The women of the Brotherhood say the fundamentalist group is doing more than any other political movement in Egypt to promote women in a political scene where men have always held a near total monopoly. Confident and articulate, the women say they are pushing for a greater voice within the Brotherhood itself and its political party, the Freedom and Justice Party, where the leadership is entirely male.

The number of women in prominent positions in Egyptian politics remains tiny, as it was under the ousted secular president, Hosni Mubarak. But in the new Egypt, if a woman does hold a high post, she's most likely a member of an Islamist group. Morsi has appointed three women ? two of them Islamists ? to his 21-member team of advisers and aides. Of the six women on the 100-member assembly writing the constitution, three are Brotherhood members.

Their vision is a world apart from that of liberal women's rights activists, who fear that Islamist women in power will only carry out the Brotherhood agenda of implementing its conservative interpretation of Islamic law.

Azza el-Garf, one of the Brotherhood women on the constitution-writing panel, said the "first" role of women in Egypt is "inside the family, as a wife and mother," while politics or work comes second. "Women are responsible for raising the new generation ... this means the future of Egypt is in our hands," she told The Associated Press.

El-Garf, a 47-year-old mother of seven, said that a woman's role in her family need not contradict with her participation in politics, saying that she balances these two responsibilities. El-Garf joined the Brotherhood when she was 15 and has done social work and community organizing for the group.

Secular feminists, she argues, are out of step with Muslim-majority Egypt's conservative society.

"We speak on behalf of the street," said el-Garf, who like most Egyptian Muslim women wears a head scarf. "Egyptian people are very religious, devout people. If (the liberals) continue to separate religion from normal life, people will not listen to them."

El-Garf was one of three women from the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party elected to the first parliament formed after the revolution, which had fewer than a dozen female lawmakers among its nearly 500 members. The body has since been dissolved, but she plans to run in new parliamentary elections to take place once a new constitution is ratified.

Islamists who make up the majority on the constitution-writing assembly are racing to try to finish the document in the coming weeks to put it to a referendum. One of the biggest fights is over an Islamist-backed clause that would call for equality between men and women but only if it does not contradict Islamic law, or Shariah. Liberals say that condition will allow influential ultraconservatives to severely restrict women's rights. A seventh woman who was on the assembly ? Manal el-Tibi, a non-Islamist activist ? resigned in September in protest over that and other articles concerning women.

Omaima Kamel, perhaps the most powerful of the Brotherhood women, defended the clause. Kamel is a member of Morsi's advisory team and sits on the constitutional panel.

In a recent interview on state TV, she said that without the phrasing, certain rights that Shariah gives to men and not to women could be overturned ? such as men's right to marry up to four women or inheritance laws that give a greater to share to men than women. Such polygamy and inheritance laws existed during the Mubarak era and in most Muslim countries.

Kamel, a 51-year-old doctor, dismissed fears that hardliners would use the clause to pass harsh restrictions on women, saying only rulings of Shariah that are "firmly established, with no controversy around them," like polygamy and inheritance, could be applied.

The clause was also needed to ensure Egypt is not beholden to international women's rights accords that she said would impose "complete equality" and "strip us of our character as a people who are religious and respect Islam."

"Just like people on the left fear that someone on the right will one day say women have to stay in the home, there are people on the right ? the conservatives and Islamists ? who fear that one day Egypt will be forced to carry out what's in international agreements, like complete equality."

Other issues have stirred up trouble for the Brotherhood's women, particularly the issue of female genital mutilation, which is known as "circumcision" in Egypt and is widespread despite a 2008 law banning it. Both el-Garf and Kamel have been quoted in the Egyptian media as speaking of allowing the practice to a degree, but each later denied making the comments. Now they both are circumspect in talking about it.

"We have problems in education, health care, and security," she said. "These issues (of FGM) do not bother anyone, we have bigger issues," el-Garf told The AP, adding, "I respect all laws," in reference to the ban. Kamel called FGM a "bad practice" that should be addressed through awareness campaigns.

Like other female Brotherhood politicians, Kamel says she is determined to see more women in positions of authority.

The Brotherhood is "trying to put the cornerstones for the right path toward democracy" within its political party, including bringing more women into the leadership, she told The AP. But she added that this will take "a few years" because there are currently few women with the political experience to compete for top positions in the party.

Liberals say the Brotherhood women are just a token cover for an agenda they consider deeply opposed to women's rights.

Having Brotherhood women in authority "is even more dangerous than not (having them), given their ideology," said Hoda Badran, a veteran women's rights activist and chair of the Egyptian Feminist Union.

Bahy Eddin Hassan, director of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights, said the Brotherhood's female members "don't believe in the concept of basic women's rights ... We don't have illusions about how much progress we can make with them."

Sally Zohney, a founding member of the local women's rights group Baheya Ya Masr, said the constitution is a "lost cause" given the Brotherhood's ability to rally public support. The liberal side, she said, has to work to advocate an alternative vision among Egyptians.

"We have to start reaching the public, and fast," she said.


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Rachael Ray Donating $500,000 for Pets Affected by Hurricane Sandy

November 10, 2012 18:14:01 GMT
The animal lover will also deliver dog food from her Nutrish brand to some of the devastated areas.

For her love of animals, has donated $500,000 and four tons of pet food for pets who were affected by the Hurricane Sandy. The show host handed the money to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) which had rescued more than 250 animals after the storm devastated the East Coast.

Rachael's Rescue, a move that she has created to help mistreated and abandoned animals taken in by shelters, will ship out both wet and dry dog food from her Nutrish brand to devastated areas. "When you make your living in food, you have to give back in the same way," Ray said on Friday, November 9. The sale of Nutrish has funded $4 million of donations to date.

In addition, her non-profit Yum-o! organization is donating $100,000 to City Harvest and the Food Bank for New York City. The money will be used to lease a building that can be used as a central shelter for the animal victims and to continue searching for lost pets, provide mobile veterinary services and hand out supplies. "I hope this becomes a center of very happy endings," Ray added.

A number of other celebrities have joined the relief effort for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. pledged $1 million to the Red Cross, to donate a part of his tour proceeds, provided 1,000 sleeping bags to those in need and will make a donation of $100,000 to the Food Bank for New York City.




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JC Penney's Johnson has backing to weather sales plunge

NEW YORK (Reuters) - J.C. Penney Co Inc Chief Executive Ron Johnson has two key weapons in his arsenal as he tries to weather plunging sales while radically transforming the aged retailer - the backing of its top investor, and cash.

Those two assets help Johnson exude confidence on days like Friday, when the retailer reported its worst drop yet in same-store sales since he began his radical transformation of the department store chain earlier this year.

Same-store sales fell 26.1 percent in the latest quarter, ended October 27, while analysts had expected a decrease of 17.9 percent. It was a far more pronounced drop than in each of the first two quarters of the transformation.

Sales in the quarter were again abysmal at what Johnson called the "old JCP," as the elimination of coupons and most sales this year kept away shoppers, trained for decades to look for promotions. Business at recently opened boutiques like Levi's and its jcp brand were far better.

"It is really becoming a tale of two companies," Johnson told investors and Wall Street analysts at a meeting in New York, even as he said he was "100 percent committed" to his plan for the century-old retailer.

The boutiques were called out by activist investor William Ackman, whose Pershing Square Capital Management is J.C. Penney's top investor and who has repeatedly said he is giving the turnaround several years.

"It's about the shops. That's the future of the company," Ackman told Reuters at Friday's presentation.

Pershing Square owns 17.8 percent of shares, according to Thomson Reuters data, and has the right to buy another 8.3 percent.

At the 10 boutiques, including the eight opened in August and September, the company is generating sales at an annual rate of $269 per square foot, compared with $139 in the old parts of its stores. The boutiques still represent only 11 percent of the company's selling space. But they do bolster Johnson's argument.

What's more, prominent brands like Martha Stewart and Joe Fresh will open their stores in the spring, giving the retailer a critical mass of boutiques likely to draw more shoppers, independent retail stock analyst Marie Driscoll said. And sales comparisons will be easier next year after the abysmal results in 2012.

"If by July investors are not seeing tangible results, they might well start pushing for a change in strategy," Driscoll said, predicting investors will be patient for a bit longer because of how radical Johnson's strategy is.

Penney's plan calls for the conversion by 2015 of 700 of its 1,100 stores into collections of 100 boutiques, which now include Levi's Denim Bar, PVH Corp's Izod and upgraded Liz Claiborne areas.

By this time next year, Penney stores will have 40 shops, then another 30 in by November 2014, before completing the project in 36 months.

J.C. Penney shares fell as much as 9.6 percent after the company released its results. It closed down 4.8 percent at $20.64 on the New York Stock Exchange.


But for the time being, the company needs to stanch the bleeding at the so-called "Old JCP".

"That is the engine of cash growth to fund the new jpc," Johnson said.

At the meeting, Penney executive took concerns about its liquidity head on and said that at fiscal year end, in January, it would have a warchest of $2.5 billion, including $1 billion in cash as well as a credit line.

Chief Finance Officer Ken Hannah told the meeting that Penney had enough money to see the project through on schedule and that Penney could finance the transformation through cash generated by its operations.

Earlier this year, Penney laid off thousands of employees as one part of an effort to save $900 million a year. The company has also brought down its inventory 23 percent during the quarter, easing pressure on its finances.

Penney made some concessions on its pricing strategy during the third quarter, such as offering a $10 gift coupon last month and a recent "30 percent off" clearance promotion.

Looking ahead to the holiday season, which typically generates 40 percent of a department store's annual profit, Penney will have its only sale of the year on Black Friday, the day after U.S. Thanksgiving, a major day for holiday shopping.

Walter Loeb, president of retail management consultant Loeb Associates, expressed concern about Penney's performance during the upcoming holiday shopping season giving its difficulty in getting shoppers into its doors.

"I expect a big drop in sales" Loeb said. "(Johnson) must generate traffic. I think he has to be more promotional."

Kohl's Corp on Thursday warned of "a very promotional Christmas" for retailers.

Penney said its net loss narrowed to $123 million, or 56 cents per share, in the third quarter from $143 million, or 67 cents per share, a year earlier.

Excluding a gain from the sale of noncore assets and other one-time items, Penney said it lost 93 cents a share.

Sales fell 26.6 percent to $2.93 billion, hurt by big markdowns on "Old JCP" merchandise that it had to clear.

(Reporting by Phil Wahba in New York; additional reporting by Brad Dorfman in Chicago; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn, John Wallace and Richard Chang)


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US economic growth was likely stronger in Q3

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The U.S. economy appears to have grown over the summer faster than first thought.

U.S. companies sold more goods overseas in September, helping narrow the nation's trade gap substantially. And wholesale companies boosted their stockpiles after reporting their best sales in 18 months.

Those figures could lead the government to sharply revise its estimate of the economy's growth rate in the July-September quarter up from the 2 percent annual rate it estimated last month.

Macroeconomic Advisers predicted Friday that the government will estimate the economy's third-quarter growth rate at 3.2 percent when it issues its second estimate on Nov. 29. Economists at Barclays also predict growth at that rate. Economists at High Frequency Economics said estimated growth could be raised to 3.1 percent.

If they are correct, it would mark only the third quarter since the recession officially ended in June 2009 that the economy has grown at an annual rate above 3 percent.

"The third quarter is coming in much stronger than anybody had expected," said Ben Herzon, an economist at Macroeconomic Advisers.

Economists grew more optimistic Friday after seeing two September reports from the Commerce Department that weren't included in the government's initial estimate of growth, released Oct. 26.

Wholesale stockpiles grew 1.1 percent in September, and sales at the wholesale level rose 2 percent, according to a report released Friday. When businesses order more goods, it generally leads to more factory production and that boosts economic growth.

The inventory data followed a government report Thursday that the U.S. trade deficit narrowed to its lowest level in nearly two years because exports rose in September to a record high. That means U.S. companies earned more from overseas sales while consumers and businesses spent less on foreign products.

The current October-December quarter began with promising signs on jobs and consumer spending.

Employers added 171,000 jobs in October, and hiring was stronger in August and September than first thought, the government said last week. And a separate report Friday showed that the University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index rose in early November to the highest level since July 2007.

Still, Herzon predicts growth is weakening in the October-December quarter to an annual rate of just 1.1 percent. That's because he expects businesses have slowed their pace of restocking since the third quarter. And the government likely spent less on defense after a sharp rise in the third quarter.

"We don't think the fourth quarter will be as robust," he said.

Many economists expect growth to stay at 2 percent for the entire year, little changed from last year's lackluster 1.8 percent growth rate.

But Herzon said the economy could expand at a better pace next year. He is forecasting growth of 2.9 percent in 2013. He's optimistic that Congress and the administration will reach a budget agreement to keep big tax increases and spending cuts from taking effect beginning in January.

Those tax increases and spending cuts are collectively known as the "fiscal cliff."

"In our forecast, conditions in Europe gradually improve, and the fiscal cliff is largely avoided," Herzon said. "With uncertainty over the fiscal cliff resolved, business investment spending begins to improve."


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US Marine PR Tries And Fails To Redefine ... - Business Insider

It?s been a?bit of a rough week here in Afghanistan, punctuated by at least one good thing: the first?professional boxing match in Afghanistan?in over 30 years.

So that was a plus. Faryab?not so much of a plus.?

In my weekly ?5 Things I Learned on My Really Long Afghanistan Vacation? post, I mentioned that I?d be going into more detail how ISAF needs to accept some of the blame for what happened in ?Faryab recently. This ? is part of the reason: being disconnected from the realities of this place means that we?ll never truly know how the war is going. But I?m pretty sure it?s not going as well as Upton says it is.?

In?Foreign Policy?recently, Lt. Col. Stewart Upton, Public Affairs Officer for the USMC in Regional Command Southwest in Helmand,?made the case that we?re actually winning in Afghanistan, and the reason that some rational observers think otherwise is because the media insists on reporting the bad news, and not reporting enough of the successes here in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the Taliban, despite Upton?s assertions to the contrary, isn?t as?active as he?d hoped in cyberspace,?and didn?t get the memo. At least not in Trek Nawa. If you?ve never heard of Trek Nawa, you?re not alone.

It?s in the heartland of the Helmand insurgency,?nestled next to Marjah, one of the districts that ISAF (the US-led coalition currently ?winning? the war) consistently cites as?one of its success stories?in this still-restive part of Afghanistan.?Not surprisingly, it isn?t mentioned in LTC Upton?s article, since Trek Nawa has been ?cleared? of Taliban activity at least three times since 2010.

That?s right: in the heart of Helmand, where we?re ?winning,? US Marines have been sent at least three different times to clear an area the size of a small Texas county. I admire Upton for his boundless optimism, and his willingness to define ?winning? with a Sheen-esque disregard for the meaning of the word. But his assessment, while making Pollyanna proud, just doesn?t add up.

Beginning (for purposes of this article) in July of 2010,?the Marines headed there to ?root out insurgents,? which is PAO-speak for ?end the war,? or at least get some pictures:

Marine leaders in Afghanistan plan to use 1st?Recon to root out insurgents in several other areas surrounding Marjah this summer, said Brig. Gen. Joseph Osterman, commander of 1st?MarDiv Fwd., during a June 1 interview with Marine Corps Times in Afghanistan. Those areas include the Sistani Desert to the west of Marjah and Trek Nawa, a sprawling area to Marjah?s east filled farm compounds controlled by the Taliban. The Taliban has coordinating repeated attacks on Marine patrols from both areas.

They were still at it a couple of months later, driving the enemy ?back on its heels?:

India Company, partnering with Afghan Army Soldiers from the 215th Corps, drove the enemy back on its heels, clearing a portion of Trek Nawa during Operation Mako, Sept. 21.

If the insurgents were ever ?back on their heels,? they bounced back faster than one of those punching bag clowns. Or a Weeble.

Besides being terribly resilient, if those insurgents ran, they didn?t make like a flock of seagulls and run very far, since they were still using Trek Nawa as a haven a few months later, when the Marines attempted to leverage tribal differences to effect stability. This?kind of tribal work is COIN-ese?for ?get people to stop shooting at Marines using unproven methods guided by less-than-knowledgeable contract employees.?

Read the rest at It's Always Sunny In Kabul >

OR, CHECK OUT: The Attack On Camp Bastion Sends An Unmistakable Signal >


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Saturday, November 10, 2012

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Artist promotes love for classical music thru 'green' art | loQal ? Arts ...

By Kaye Mangabat

vai ss Artist promotes love for classical music thru ?green? art | loQal   Arts and Entertainment

ILAGAN, ISABELA ? As an artist, Lucky Salayong first dabbled in painting. But when he discovered he can create something out of junk, sculpture became his passion.

?Modernong Musikero? represents Lucky?s kind of art. Describing it as ?green? art, it is made from discarded items he bought from a junk shop ? including used printer cartridges, faucets tubes and colorful buttons.

Putting all these materials took him a month and a half to create a life-size (almost five feet tall) robot playing a violin. It is something colorful and innovative, to say the least.

Lucky says his art is inspired by his love for Mother Nature and passion for music. Merging a robot that represents modernization and classic music (thus, the violin), he says he wants to send a message that even though modernization has taken to place in music, classic music should still be valued.

?Gusto ko kasing buhayin muli yung mga lumang musika sa panibagong estilo ng mga makabagong musikero (I want to revive classic music through modern artists.),? he says.

But instead of choosing more conventional materials like clay, rocks, wood or brass, he opts for junk materials for his sculptures. He says it?s his way of helping preserve the beauty of nature by helping recycle garbage.

The works of Lucky Salayong (as well as by other local artists) will be on display at the Alay Sining 5, a one-day exhibit by the Rotary Club of Makati West (RCWM) on November 19 (Monday) at the Mandarin Oriental in Makati City.

Art works will be on sale and proceeds will go to various outreach projects. For interested parties, you may email Lucky Salayong at [email?protected]

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Listen to this one........................... - Answerology

It is a HUGE RED FLAG when one sibling gains control over the assets of a parent, and then isolates them from others. I'm not going to scare or bore you with "what if" but you CANNOT just sit idly by and let your younger sister 'bully' other family members, allegedly on your mother's behalf.

In the short term, send a WRITTEN INVITATION to your mother to join you and other family members at someone else's house for the holidays. Have a good time without letting your younger sister interfere.

In the intermediate term, contact the county "adult protective services" or similar for where your mother lives. Let them know your concerns, and ask for a "welfare visit" to make sure that she is being cared for and in good health.

If that does not resolve your concerns, get an attorney and explore filing an "elder abuse" action. You may need to jump to this point if your sister has an attorney, but MOST of the time, the County authorities' investigation can resolve a lot of these issues.

This is never a happy situation, but that does not mean it cannot have a happier resolution. Good luck!

- Response by A Career Man, Male, 36-45

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Friday, November 9, 2012

An Astrological View Of Bjp

BhartiyaJanta Party- mainly called by its abbreviated name- B J P - is India's major party in opposition to the Indian National Congress. It holds the second largest position in terms representation in Indian Parliament. No doubt Congress ruled most of the time and then BJP was the major opponent of it. BJP also ruled over India thrice, for the first two times it was for short term- 1996 and then in 1998 B J P got majority in NDA getting allied with AIADMK and BijuJanata Dal. Other parties like Samata Party and ShiromaniAkali Dal supported it along with Shiv Sena. But the party crumbled down as AIADMK, withdrew its support leading to fresh elections again.

Again it ruled over till 2004, due to victory of Kargil war but faced unexpected defeat. Now what stars hold for this major opposition in store. Let us have an astro panoramic view of B J P chart depicts strong hold on public by getting active in politics but weak in holding the position. The fourth house depicts the position an the ruler of the fourth lord and the ascendant lord Mercury is with Ketu in the ninth house. Mercury is afflicted thus position as ruler becomes weak for B J P every time. Exchange between third and tenth lords is important for any chart. Third house governs communications and the tenth house the ruler or position of the party. The tenth lord Jupiter is hemmed between malefic - Saturn and Rahu and there Mercury is also with Ketu- thus BJP may face public criticism and even the governing person of this party may face the criticism and challenges to hold on his position.

The period of Venus with antardasha of Moon and Jupiter favored B J P a lot. Venus and Moon shared opposite aspect and the aspect is also not much strong. Therefore, the position of B J P was not much strong until the period of Jupiter arrived. Jupiter, the tenth lord, with exchange with the third lord Sun and also sharing direct square aspect with Venus.

Now, the major period changes to Sun- it is strong in the chart. Sun holds good promise of bringing B J P again making it strong and firm in politics. Whether it could be able to push it for chair in the centrestage? The dasha of Jupiter is following during 2014. It is very much strong in this chart. The period of Sun-Jupiter coming on 27th May 2014 holds much promises for B J P in its pocket. It is possible that it will make B J P the then party with its majority in NDA grabbing the winning position in elections or on the other hand it is making it the strongest party in the opposition. Debilitated Moon in the sixth house indicates weak workmanship or methodology in the party. It needs to be improved. The position of Sun gets weakened in the dashmansha chart makes it weak thereby stability is missing. According to previous dashas experience infers that the coming period of Jupiter in its antardasha is yielding a lot for B J P.

Whatever it is, it is for sure that the coming time is promising time for this party and it can hold this time by bringing changes in their methodology and strategy that makes their in-house weak. And if the improvements are done then it is for sure that India can have a strong political party that can hold it tight and make its future strong.


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Do You Video Chat on Your Phone?

Do You Video Chat on Your Phone? This week, AT&T relented a little on Facetime over 3G restrictions, mostly because so many people complainted the added charges were unfair since they're already paying for data. Controversy aside, that got us wondering: do you video chat on your phone?

After all, front-facing cameras are checkbox features manufacturers have to put on phones to market them, and consumers definitely spend money on those features, even if they don't need them. Still, video chatting on the go is easy, and can be fun. Do you use Facetime or Skype on your smartphone or tablet?


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New technique to protect astronauts from space radiation

ScienceDaily (Nov. 8, 2012) ? The complexities of traveling to and working in space present challenges to astronauts that NASA scientists and engineers have been working on since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first stepped on the moon more than 43 years ago.

One of the challenges facing humans when they go outside Earth's protective atmosphere and magnetic field is space radiation. Sending astronauts farther into our solar system than ever before will require advanced instruments designed for monitoring and detecting radiation in space vehicles and habitats.

NASA is tackling this problem with a renewed focus on understanding radiation in space environments. The Advanced Neutron Spectrometer, or ANS is an instrument designed to do just this. By monitoring neutrons, the team aims to build a new tool to protect astronauts as they explore new destinations.

"Measuring neutrons in a space environment will keep astronauts safer because it will give mission managers on Earth invaluable information about the amount of radiation astronauts are being exposed to," said Mark Christl, the ANS project lead at Marshall. "The ANS can be used to detect the levels of radiation in the spacecraft or habitat so that astronauts can employ techniques to minimize their exposure."

Neutrons are difficult to detect because they are electrically neutral particles and pass through most detector systems without detection. The ANS uses a new instrument design that can significantly improve the reliability of identifying neutrons in the mixed radiation field found in deep space. This instrument design uses the gate and capture technique that slows down the neutrons and then "captures" them in an isotope of Lithium. The ANS uses special glass fibers loaded with Lithium to absorb the slowed neutrons and produce a small flash of light unique to the neutron capture process. The ANS uses custom electronics to recognize and trigger on the distinct neutron capture signal, which is then processed and analyzed to determine the radiation levels.

Scientists and engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center have been developing a prototype for the ANS instrument in close collaboration with JSC and other NASA centers and recently shared their work with the RadWorks team from Johnson and Langley Research Center. Christl and his team at Marshall developed the prototype instrument in only 11 months. They used radioactive sources and exposures to high energy protons at Indiana University Cyclotron Facility to evaluate the performance of the ANS.

"Our work thus far has been very promising," said Christl. "By working closely with JSC and other NASA centers, we've been able to make great strides on some key radiation protection issues that include the ANS prototype. Our goal is to continue this work to improve the instrument performance and our radiation monitoring capabilities for our astronauts and meet the future needs of exploring new destinations."

The ANS is being developed by RadWorks, an Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) project to address radiation detection, monitoring, and protection that will be needed for manned exploration beyond low-Earth orbit. RadWorks is a cross-agency team, led by Johnson Space Center, addressing several specific radiation related issues, including the development of ANS.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

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